our series has stopped off in Tokyo my father's favorite pro-youth capital of much of the secoind ha;lf of the 20th C; it was due to Japna's innovations after world war 2 that quality electronics took off, that organic and fresh foods sustained communities, superports around the region became win-win trading epicentres instead of empire's one way directions; Fortunately the chinese diaspora made enough capital by the end of the 3rd quarter, to become 3rd largest market maker after usa and japan, CHINA GREATEST EVER RACER TO END POVERTY?
ready to inward invest on the main land as soon as Mao's Agrarian Keynsianism revolution head turned China into the epicentre around which all millenials sustainable trades will need to be innovated -you dont need economic expertise beyond reading population staitstics to know that Asia will determine millennial sustainability, exponentially up or down- so why not twin all pro-youth capitals in open celebration with Chinese youth- esp0ecially with girl empowerment (20th century western macroeconomists completely defrauded mothers and parenst by placing negative value on bringing up children -they still do every nightly news that sums up gross domestic products zero sum sale of things- the least sustainable data possible for a bodreless generation to be ruked by)
we jot down some mapping clues on possible top 50 youth capitals like those you can find by clicking this banner
2015 May dubai joins 72 pro-youth dialogue capitals,
and becomes briefing relay to youth olympiad washington dc end june
until 201 my experinecs of washingto9 dc since birth of my daughtrer in 1997 is that superpoiwer accidentally made it one of top 5 anti-youth capitals- look how it fauiled to protect youth from banking faruds, property bubbnles, cultural sensitivity needed to thrive in a bodrelessplanet- sadly we need no partisand ship to recognise the warning obama gave during his inauguration week, and 7 yeras later we need no partisan media lens to see what little progress congres has made- but 2012 saw a south korean invasion of how the world bank operates -and its the best pro-youth happening I have ever spectated in any institution of the world bank's size- so its just as well youth from nearly 100 countries are coming to see what can be celebrated through washington dc june 30 to 4 july
-some typical conversations
do you think girls who code would be a relevant workshop (and perhaps invitation for students to join an alumni club if they are interested in coding going forward
we might ask naila if she would speak on this as its one of the training programs she has built in bangladesh- or there is this usa net https://girlswhocode.com/about-us/ - while I dont have a contact I see they have a dc office and could start trying to make contact
girls who code is also a blecher/google/branson curriculum -and i would like to see yazmi elearning satellite help converge
the west coast and brazil already twin in incubating 500 womens startups; 500 Women – Funding #Flawless Female Founders
500 Women – Funding #Flawless Female Founders
Soundtrack (press play before continuing) Team 500 lives and breathes diversity. It isn’t just something we say in press to make ourselves look good, or a...
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would like to see this appear in west coast and become a mentoring network back t younger girls (or at least their teachers;; jim kim has spoken of how introducing elearning ipads into classes has beneficial impacts on teachers and not just students
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