Xglasgow.com invites you to join with us in co-editing and debating 7 scripts on sustainability -please ask chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk to see latest version of dialogue of your choice or other queries

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

#br6 invitations europe geneva austria glasgow

 ed you may remember we met at unctad aug 2019 summit rehearsing climate before unga 74

can i intro you to zasheem - out of glasgow he and i may be in a similar position to you

from 2008 we tried to launch a journal of asian women empowerment /sdg economics
we chose our  first partner nobel laureate muhammad yunus- zasheem arranged both for him to give the 250th anniversary speech of adam smith moral sentiments community economics at glasgow university and for glasgow number 1 trainer of nurses to go to dhaka for 4 years to help start nearly free nursing college chaired on by people like princess anne while prince charles believed yunus was at the epicentre of village solar

anyhow yunus went into a politics war and lost all his freedom to startup  anything in bangladesh villages- we have moved off to sir fazle abed whose 50 years in bangladesh vilages connected world largest ngo partnerships incluing bill gates and jack ma on digital cash and james grant, gates, jim kim on microhealth

zasheem has been planning how  can everyone scaling community susaining solutions collaborate/ reconnect youth at cop26- he has the glasgow university union building -capacity 750+ people -  for the middle saturday nov 6 of cop26; we need to circulate youth sdg journalism at cop26 and in before/after zooms connecting any other youth sdg city/summit of which geneva is top ranked and 2021 will be the most critical post-covid year if there s to be hope for 2020s being the most exciting decadet for youth to be alive

but we dont have funds over above minimum coming from those already doing things in glasgow

anyhow do you think we could brainstorm by email whatsapp zoom - my whatsapp is +1 240 316 8157

sincerely chris macrae
ps we know which adam smith and other scottsh/irish economists support us- eg glasgow university hosted a remembrance party to my father the economist's norman macrae in 2012 and some new norman macrae events are rolling out in 2021- eg japan where he was awarded the equivalent of a knightood by the japanese emperor's family is only just translating my fathers bio of john von neumann who started both the moon race and the artificial intel network race - today the itu in geneva is open source more #aifor sdgs slutions than anywhere o mother earth

we will be interning a glasgow university student from each nation to attend zooms during the year starting with ban ki moons climate summit in late january  CAS 2021 | Climate Adaptation Summit 2021

if you are particularly interested in eg german/french/swiss speaking students we could try and match glasgow university students from those countries with your youth correspondents at global geneva

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Preparation will the education commission 18 september have the greatest pro-youth revolution the UN has ever enjoyed https://www.eventbrite.com/e/education-commission-report-launch-tickets-26722466617
join and before and after parties text usa 240 316 8157

Rehearsal 1
yesterday in new york we opened space on why does the un not represent half the world - ie youth under 30s - note at the UN if you have an identity your interests are included otherwise by defintion they are excluded from leadership priuority - for half the world to be excluded is careless - more at valuing youth https://share.coursera.org/wiki/index.php/Valuingyouth

the east - especially china bangladesh and UAE - seems to give youth a platform to the future in way the UN does not- in start my third trip to beijing exploring this next week - her are some bookmarks that interest me

China leads way on skills education curricula

See the report soon to be launched from WISE by beijing normal university- hopefully a tot topic at un education commission 18 september https://www.eventbrite.com/e/education-commission-report-launch-tickets-26722466617 and at WISE in beijing 5 november and tell us where else
WISE Research #08 - Education for the Future preview image

WISE Research #08 - Education for the Future

The Global Experience of Developing Twenty-first Century Skills and Competencies This report will be released in 2016. In recent years the framework for twenty-first century skills has evolved remarkably and global attention and awareness of the...

Sunday, August 21, 2016

I think we know who at least 35 of these are but what i dont know who we know well is closest to each. Assuming I am able to help gordon browns team with some of their queries i hope this gap gets less and less. For example, when mostofa presents dubai;s first wave of 100 youth awards we could be choosing youth nominated by many of these leaders since the UAE region already hosts the world's most revolutionary education summits

chris  text 240 316 8157
some references
Education Commission Report Launch register for UN summit new york 18 september

As of today Education only gets 8% of global aid

As of today half of all children are being prepared by education to be jobless (without 21st century's most needed skills) Conversations from Oslo: Secretary-General of MEF; Former Min of Tourism, Tunisia, Amel Karboul

Regional Leading Testimonies

United Arab Emirates 
 A child is the centre of every country when it comes to its future –student of computing since 1975, dubai (imside gulf) ports tech 1993, then 2000 dotcom Chief Executive of Tejari, the first Middle Eastern business-to-business marketplace sheikh Lubna Al Qasimi Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi on Bringing Tolerence to the Middle East | Fortune 

China - Jack Ma testimony http://smbaworld.com/id81.html