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Sunday, August 21, 2016

I think we know who at least 35 of these are but what i dont know who we know well is closest to each. Assuming I am able to help gordon browns team with some of their queries i hope this gap gets less and less. For example, when mostofa presents dubai;s first wave of 100 youth awards we could be choosing youth nominated by many of these leaders since the UAE region already hosts the world's most revolutionary education summits

chris  text 240 316 8157
some references
Education Commission Report Launch register for UN summit new york 18 september

As of today Education only gets 8% of global aid

As of today half of all children are being prepared by education to be jobless (without 21st century's most needed skills) Conversations from Oslo: Secretary-General of MEF; Former Min of Tourism, Tunisia, Amel Karboul

Regional Leading Testimonies

United Arab Emirates 
 A child is the centre of every country when it comes to its future –student of computing since 1975, dubai (imside gulf) ports tech 1993, then 2000 dotcom Chief Executive of Tejari, the first Middle Eastern business-to-business marketplace sheikh Lubna Al Qasimi Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi on Bringing Tolerence to the Middle East | Fortune 

China - Jack Ma testimony http://smbaworld.com/id81.html

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