China and neighbors in east have created more jobs and happy development than anywhere in the last half century - the secret is trading infrastructure - ports and belts: ie rail (road, pipes) that include enterprsies howeevr small, however rural
China's BR curriculum encourages 11 regions (or more) to map what are the biggest missing traidng routes; how to bridge these; allied opportunities such as celebrating border junctions when a (new) railroad links them in - not all infrastructure mapping is expensive- for example several countries collaborated to connect a railway line that frees trade all across eurasia for china to spain - one innovation needed was way to efficeintly unpack contauiners from one train and pack onto another wherever the railway giages chnaged between
for longer term gamechnaing invetsments china has been encouraging the main developing natiosn in ech region to set up new development bank parnerships - it has led te way with aiib as a benchmar of what 80 nations' delegations can co-create ; other new development banking vraches are spreading through every hemisphere the BRICS reach
Jack ma teels the story of how a geography teacher woke him up - she said geography is interesting - go and talk to tourists to see which part of the ouside world they come from and what favorite stories they have of traveling to china- jack spent most of 20 years aged 10 to 30 learning and then teaching english thanks to guiding toursits - and then connecting hundreds of his freinds to coding the greatest job creating webs
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